SigmaWoW - Item Upgrader

Sat Apr 30, 2016, 7:43 pm

1 posts

    Item Upgrader

    This NPC provides players with a unique ability to significantly enhance their gear's power.

    Item Upgrade Prices:

    • Rank 1: +100% (Upgrade Cost: Free)
    • Rank 2: +175% (Upgrade Cost: 250g)
    • Rank 3: +250% (Upgrade Cost: 500g)
    • Rank 4: +325% (Upgrade Cost: 700g)
    • Rank 5: +423% (Upgrade Cost: 1125g)
    • Rank 6: +548% (Upgrade Cost: 1500g)
    • Rank 7: +714% (Upgrade Cost: 2500g)
    • Rank 8: +928% (Upgrade Cost: 3500g)
    • Rank 9: +1205% (Upgrade Cost: 5000g)

    How Does It Work?

    If your item has a base stat of 10 STR (Strength), upgrading it by 100% will double it to 20 STR. This principle applies to all other stats and further upgrades.

    Available Stats to Upgrade:

    • Strength (STR)
    • Intelligence (INT)
    • Stamina (STA)
    • Spirit (SPI)
    • Agility (AGI)
    • Attack Power
    • Spell Power
    • Haste Rating
    • Critical Rating
    • Attack Rating
    • Critical Chance