General Rules

Sat Apr 30, 2016, 7:43 pm

1 posts

    • Any sort of NSFW content and discussions and servers are not allowed. (Will result in a ban)
    • Do not attempt to spam/flood the channels.
    • Do not ping people or mass mention without a reason.
    • Do not DM advertise (Will result in a ban).
    • Respect all members and staff members of this server. 
    • No racism, religious, or political discussions in this server.
    • No inappropriate or unpingable, usernames, statuses, or profile pictures.
    • Do not attempt to bypass the server auto-moderation.
    • Do not try to mention @/everyone or @/here.
    • Do not mini-mod. Let staff members do their job.
    • Use every channel appropriately and what they're meant for. 
    • If you would like to report a member or are in need of support, please contact an online staff member.
    • If there is a serious violation of the rules like posting NSFW or discriminatory content please ping an online moderator immediately.
    • When applying for staff, sending a "troll" or NSFW application will result in a blacklist and possibly a ban.