SigmaWoW - Hardcore

Sat Apr 30, 2016, 7:43 pm

1 posts

    Hardcore Guide:
      1. Create character.
      1. Find Shrine of Challenge in the corner, eagle statue.
      1. Take your hardcore challenge from it and use teleporter near of the shrine.
      1. Teleport to the old starting area of your race and speak with the NPC that gives you first quest and look for level 15 boost option, take it and you are good to go.
      1. Start your journey from Ragefire chasm or just do quests, it is up to you, good luck!
    • There is only one rule, DON'T DIE, if you will die you character will not be able to finish the challenge and get rewards, you will be disconnected on death and after logging back you will be disconnected.
    • Title "Insane", "The Immortal"
    • Visual Item that will give your character special effect.
    • 15 additional talent points.
    • Achievement "Insane" and "The Immortal"
    After reaching level 80 your challenge mode will be deactivated and if you will die you will be able to revive as usually.