SigmaWoW Main Realm - PlayerBots Guide

Sat Apr 30, 2016, 7:43 pm

1 posts



    In this guide, I’ll explain how player bots work and what they can do.


    Bot Creation:


    • Start by creating alternate characters with the specific classes, races, and names you want. Once you've created them, switch back to your main character.


    PlayerBot Addon Installation:


    Click [here] to download the PlayerBot addon.

    • To install, place the files into your game client folder under Interface/Addons/your_addon. On the character selection screen, click the "AddOns" button and check "Load Out of Date AddOns" to ensure it works properly.


    How to Spawn Bots:


    • After logging into the game, type /bot in the chat. A small window will appear showing a list of your bots. To bring a bot online, simply click the login icon next to the bot's name. Once online, invite them to your group using the button next to the login icon.
    • To configure bot strategies, select the bot in-game, and a settings window will open. From there, you can customize a wide variety of bot behaviors to suit your needs.


    Summoning Bots After Death or Disconnection:


    • If a bot dies, teleports, or doesn’t follow you into a dungeon, simply click the login button in the bot roster window multiple times. If they died, they’ll respawn after a short delay.


    Bot Features:


    • Auto-looting
    • Auto-combat with various strategies available.
    • Auto-questing
    • Full access to your bot’s bank, backpack, mailbox, etc.
    • You can log into your bot characters and control them like any main character.
    • Equip them with upgraded gear, and they’ll automatically wear better items when provided.
    • Bots scale with your main character’s level, so you don't need to level them separately.
    • Any gold they collect can be freely transferred between your characters.
    • Bots auto-gear by swapping for better items when given through trade.
    • Auto-training – they will automatically learn all necessary spells. If not, visit the trainer NPC in SigmaArea.
    • Use them for dungeons and raids; the better their gear, the easier it becomes to complete group content.




    • Click [here] for a list of available commands and macro examples to set up your bots efficiently.




    Bots are incredibly useful. They can store your items and gold, grow in strength alongside your main character, and you can even log in to play as them just like any other character. Whether for combat, resource management, or dungeon runs, they are a powerful tool to enhance your gameplay experience.