Welcome to SigmaWoW
Update - 12.07.24
  • Added 2 custom visual effect vendors.
  • Added 3 custom visual effects.
  • Added Visual tokens.
  • Added Sigma tokens.
  • Generated 2 patches for visualizing prices, custom item icons and Mall area change to Sanctuary.…
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Update - 11.07.24
  • Added 7 custom quests.
  • Added custom currency Krotos coin.
  • Added custom vendor for Krotos coins.
  • Added 2 custom legendary items (price is 20 Krotos coins).
  • Added PVP Area in the Mall.
  • Added 1v1 Battlemaster.…
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Update - 10.07.24

List of Changes:

  • New Home Area.
  • Added teleport to Home Area in Teleporter.
  • Starting Area for all races was changed to Home Area.
  • Insta level 15 on first login.

Upcoming Updates:

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Update - 09.07.24
  • Updated core files to the latest revision.
  • Updated DB to the latest DB updates.
  • Updated playerbot module with several fixes and improvements.
  • Gambling NPC jackpot increased to 200g, hit number 100 and get your jackpot.…
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Update - 07.07.24
  • Instance reset price is now 10 emblem of triumph + 1000 gold.
  • Gift of the Naaru spell edited to it's final form to help progress further in ICC.
  • Both alliance and horde gunship battle is now easy to do, increased cannon damage and…
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Update - 06.07.24
  • Disabled Spell Burning Pitch for ICC (This skill damages your ship).
  • Disabled Spell Below Zero for ICC (This skill blocks cannon making impossible to use it).
  • Double XP weekend is up and will effect only quests + Solo LFG is now…
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Update - 05.07.24

Player Commands

  • .chat or .global - Write a message in the GlobalChat
  • .joinglobal - Join the GlobalChat
  • .leaveglobal - Leave the GlobalChat
  • /join <GlobalChatName> - Join the GlobalChat like…
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Update - 02.07.24
  • Added Item Enchanter NPC
  • Added Beast Master NPC
  • Added Weapon Visual Effect NPC
  • Added New NPCs to (Dalaran, Stormwind, Orgrimmar)
Update - 29.06.24

List of Changes:

  • Added new Branded Logo on website.
  • Added Character sell module to website.
  • Added more VP/DP rewards to store.
  • Store was reworked, 3D item view function additionally was added.…
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Updates - 28.06.24

Website Changes:

  • New unique theme.
  • New store (3D viewer added).
  • Better server status.
Update - 24.06.24
  • Opened the WotLK expansion
  • Added Solocraft to make all dungeons and raids soloable
  • Awarded honor points for elite mob kills
  • Added profession NPCs to train two professions to the max level for free
  • Disabled Forge…
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Update - 19.06.24
  • Added 1v1 arena NPCs in Orgrimmar, Stormwind, and Shattrath.
  • Changed vendor prices for Brutal Gladiator sets/weapons from arena points to honor points.
  • Added Arena Organizer NPCs and Arena Battlemaster NPCs in Orgrimmar, Stormwind,…
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Update - 18.06.24
  • Core Files: Now running on the latest build AzerothCore rev. 5dc6f9cf78f1 2024-06-18 18:01:18 +0000 (master branch).
  • Database: Updated to the newest version with numerous fixes, including smart scripts,…
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Update - 14.06.24

List of Changes:

  • Disabled True Fullfilment spell for creatures.
  • Updated client/data server side (remove you client cache before logging back in) this migh help fixing quest issues.
  • Changed Item Upgrade values.…
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