• Added HP regen potion that will heal 12k HP for 24 seconds and invulnerability for 5 seconds, added to the vendor, price will be 50 Sigma Tokens per potion and can be stacked up to 200pcs.

(this new potion will not be allowed for pala and dkclasses)

  • Disabled Lich King spell that was killing you causing in the end a bug where you can't be revived or being teleported to the start of raid.
  • 25 MAN ICC is now harder to complete and can be challenging, tested out myself and I confirm that it is 100% completable.
  • Gamblers bets are increased, jackpot is 250g if you hit 100 in number.
  • Extra money for killing Dungeon/Raid bosses slightly increased.
  • 8 new tmog items аре added
  • Rogue and Mage are balanced and with the new potion they can solo the ICC
  • Tmog token is added to the Dragonflayer Trader (Kronos shop)