Updates to the Live Server
- Core files updated to latest repositories.
- Database updated.
- T11 revamp plus tank neck/cloak added.
- T12 released.
- New legendaries which will replace old legendaries.
- Shared Mounts implemented.
- Class adjustments.
- New Teleporter (we have the old too until we implement all teleports in the new one).
- Kamagua has been modified.
- Kamagua quests npcs has been renamed.
- All modules has been updated.
You may stumble across an issue with your addons when logging on. This is duo to the realms changed name. How to fix this?
- Open your WoW folder.
- Navigate to WTF folder.
- Navigate to Accounts
- Navigate to Username
- Once in there go into a character of choice and change the "Sigmawow 13x" to the realms name, in this case "Sigmawow insta 80". This should revert back your settings back to your own.
Best regards, Sigma Staff.